
Suicide is Better than Homicide

In this bio centric era we as a species are, there is a debate about whether we should stop suicide attempters or not. Most members of our society would bring forth the "sanctity of life" to debate against the right to end one's own life. Even pro-choice people, who say abortion is a woman's right, would actively try to prevent a suicide attempt. Most people don't recognize the need for this act, let alone understand why someone would actively try to end this "perfect and holy of all concepts".

In 1897 Emile Durkheim organized the research which had been going on since the 1820's and integrated them in his book Suicide: A Study in Sociology. This statistical research started, almost at the same time, in France and Germany by Jean-Pierre Falret and Johann Casper (in respective order). This work was actually intended to classify and understand the concept of suicide in general. It is classified according to age, gender, nationality, race and class of the individual. It also distinguishes between group suicides and individual suicides (which is named "egoistical suicides" in the book).

Since the act is greatly personal in its nature (that is to say: no matter how many people kill themselves and for what reason they do that, people are buried in different holes in the ground) the sincerity of anyone (including Durkheim) talking about the subject would not be sound if even the tiniest bit of generalization takes place; but for the sake of being academic some form of generalization is required. To fill those requirements the subjects of this article will be grouped as non-Muslim males living in a multicultural country with a population consisting of mainly Muslim people. The age group of these individuals is 20 to 25, and they have weak or no family ties.

The subjects of the group specified above have a greatly different view on most topics considering life, universe and everything, which goes something like this: Consider the Earth, a rock with a juicy hot center orbiting a hot ball of gas. The only planet we've found life on so far. It was created roughly 4.57 billion of years ago and the layer which supported life on it (the biosphere) is actually younger than 1 billion years. The evolution of any species is just at its beginning. With the number of individuals from all species in mind one can easily say that it is very easy to force a species into extinction with the wrong species sneezing on another. Human beings, with an immense infantization process lying in their evolutionary past are by far the most fragile of these species. Humans tend to see themselves as superior to other races simply because we can build computers or send satellites into space. The reason for that is to forget how jealous of bears we used to be so we skinned them and wore their pelts. Humans would be forced back to those "animal skin wearing ages" in 2 years maximum, if we eliminate the electricity completely.
Environmentalists would roar in anger when someone says the only harm we did to the Earth is sending stuff off it not polluting the atmosphere. Maybe the whole reason for this biosphere to form is to eventually invent plastic which would lead to inorganic life. Comparing the length of life of plastic and flesh we can easily see how better than plastic bottles we are. This is life. People who claim life is sacred lack the consistency in their arguments. If every fragile and short lasting thing is sacred, why hasn't anyone built a shrine to the light bulbs or test tubes which get broken by hundreds each day?

People call this point of view dumb or pessimistic (depending on the mouth flapper) but it actually is an objective and realist approach. With this in mind one can easily see none of this is special or sacred. Any bond you form with members of your own species and those of others' is based on personal gain. You can even say suicide is humane considering it means I will not use anything you use. The resources and the space would be recycled without people noticing it.

The people who actively try to prevent suicide attempts also try to remind the suicide attempter how much they mean to them or how bad "the country needs bright minds like theirs". These two are examples for how inconsiderate and idiotic human beings really are. The people who buy those lines and decide that the sunset is really beautiful are not different from the ones who stopped them and/or didn't actually mean to kill themselves but send a message (which is usually a list of demands- another act reeking of inconsideracy and stupidity.)
Most others (usually therapists) say that suicide is wrong because it's an irreversible process. This is a text-book phrase which skips the fact that attempters do not really care about the consequences of the action, because, well they won't be a part of them anymore.

The psyche of the attempters in this group can be summed up in to "being fed up" or "tired" and telling them how beautiful the moonlight is would only provoke a flow of negative feelings. As stated before attempters do not see life the way others do. To them the bugs with big colorful wings and reproductive organs of immobile organisms are not beautiful or interesting. Those people have passed the age of wonders and were not impressed.

Since the group do not have (or need to have) social connections, the emotions which were loaded on them by their kin do not mean anything other than a burden. They do not marvel in their "friends'" happiness and asking one to be by their side for ever and ever and ever is perceived as is perceived once repeated three times in a row.
Some countries even banned attempting to commit suicide. This is the world which tries to motivate their young into being more productive members of their societies. Once they succeed however nothing changes for the attempter. They're still alive and overly unsatisfied and disappointed with members of their race yelling that they love him from a distance but not caring at all. The governing bodies do not offer any way to change the way life runs for the attempters.

This brings us back to the sanctity of life. A life is sacred only to the one who lives it. The promises one offers to another in an attempt to save his life are actually ways of trying to save the moment. Memories are acidic compounds stored in different parts of the brain and they get altered daily, so the pain which is claimed to be caused by the death of a "loved one" is not eternal. (If it is, well, there is always the choice of suicide. This idea also fits the life after death theory but the subjects in the group being focused on do not believe in the afterlife.)

Any time someone tries to prevent the suicide actually fortifies the reasons to wish this all ends in the group.

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